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Énergie géothermique électrique : capacité mondiale installée 2021

Capacités installées prévisionnelles des énergies géothermiques pour la production d'électricité dans le monde en 2021 (en gigawatts)*

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Date de publication




Période d’enquête

2015 ; 2021

Notes complémentaires

* État de la siituation en 2015 et prévisions pour l'année 2021.

La source ajoute l'information suivante :
« This report forecasts that the global market will most likely reach 18.4 GW by 2021. The conservative forecast of 14.8 GW predicted is composed of announced completion dates of plants already under construction. Since projects normally take about 2-3 years to construct and the forecast goes out five years into the future, more projects will likely announce construction over the next year or two, increasing the tailend of the conservative baseline forecast. In the last decade, the global geothermal industry grew slowly but steadily, adding several hundred MWs online each year without pause. It seems unlikely this trend will discontinue if not accelerate as climate change becomes an increasingly important driver of energy choices in developing countries. »

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