Doctors in Germany - statistics & facts
Where are doctors in Germany located?
The average doctor density in Germany was 197 in 2023, meaning there were 197 inhabitants per doctor. This was the lowest figure since the 1960s, when there was roughly around one doctor for every 770 inhabitants. However, this is only an average and does not necessarily reflect better patient-centered support because the number of doctors varies significantly depending on the region. Thus, in densely populated areas there tends to be an oversupply – Hamburg, Bremen, and Berlin display the highest doctor density, whereas rural states like Brandenburg, Lower-Saxony or Saxony-Anhalt are under-supplied. This means that, depending on where you live in Germany, it is either easy or difficult to get a doctor's appointment or see the specialist needed. When it comes to specialization, figures indicate that most doctors in Germany specialized in internal medicine. This involves the treatment of diseases that affect internal organs such as heart disease, hypertension, and lung disease to name a few. In contrast, the fields with the fewest specialists were urology and skin and venereal diseases. Thus, appointment wait times to see a doctor in one of these fields may be longer.
Medical expenses
In Germany, most medical expenses are covered by health insurance and the majority of people have health insurance. Those who are employed have their health insurance contributions automatically taken out of their paycheck, and the amount that is paid is also dependent on the amount the employee earns. Often people on higher wages opt for private health insurance as it often means quicker treatment. Hospital treatments were the largest expense item of statutory health insurance, at over 88 billion euros. This is likely due to the equipment, professionals and aftercare that are typically required following medical procedures that take place in a hospital. Although for many people who become doctors, it is because they have a passion for their job, they also receive good remuneration. Among contracted doctors, those in human geneticists and radiotherapy were the highest earners.
The demand for doctors is likely to increase, especially as the aging population grows bigger, and therefore it is important that the number of doctors in Germany continues to increase.