Malaysia's Growth Champions 2023

The international market research firm Statista is currently looking for the fastest-growing companies in Malaysia. The aim is to compile a ranking of Malaysia’s Growth Champions, based on revenue growth between 2018 and 2021. Participation is cost-free and simple: Just click the registration link below and follow the steps.

Companies that manage to secure a place in the inaugural ranking of Malaysia’s Growth Champions will be published in The Star and also have the chance to enter the upcoming edition of the Financial Times’ High Growth Companies Asia-Pacific, both free of charge.


  • New business opportunities
  • Employer branding
  • Effective media coverage
  • Reputation
It is as easy as this
  • Register on Statista by 30 November 2022
  • Verify your revenue data by 07 December 2022
  • Enjoy and benefit from your company’s success!


Why should my company participate?

New business opportunities: An inclusion in The Star's is a visible and public acknowledgement of your company’s performance that extends far beyond your specific industry and country. It will also generate attention for your business on the part of potential partners, customers, and investors around the world.

Employer branding: Corporate growth usually generates demand for new employees. Being featured in the high-profile ranking of The Star will not only increase awareness of you as an employer, it also gives potential employees an understanding of your company’s future potential.

Effective media coverage: Companies which manage to secure a position in the ranking will be listed on They will also be featured in The Straits Times newspaper and in a special report supplement.

Reputation: All companies that make it into the list may use the award logo for marketing purposes.


Who is eligible?

In order to be included in the ranking your company must meet the following criteria:

  • Revenue of at least 400,000 MYR generated in 2018
  • Revenue of at least 4.0 million MYR generated in 2021
  • Be independent (the applying company is not a subsidiary or branch office of another company)
  • Be headquartered in Malaysia
  • The revenue growth between 2018 and 2021 was primarily organic (i.e. “internally” stimulated)

How do I register?

Online registration
Please register with Statista by 30 November 2022.

Verification of revenue information
Your revenue data needs to be verified. Please use this form for this purpose. The form must be signed in person by a Managing Director or a member of your Executive Committee (CEO or CFO). It must then be sent to Statista by email, fax, or mail. All necessary address details can be found on the form.

  Form of Verification as PDF document

Contact details
Should you have any additional questions or would otherwise like to contact us, please email




The Star and Statista retain the right to change the criteria and/or produce new criteria at any point in the project’s lifetime.