28.11.2022 Infineon tops Financial Times Diversity Leaders Ranking 2023

Infineon Technologies AG, a german company, has reached the top position in the Diversity Leaders Index. The ranking, published by the Financial Times and Statista, based on an extensive online survey of over 100,000 employees of major European companies. 

The demands that employees place on their employers have become more diverse. More important than ever is the perception of the current change in values and the corresponding commitment of companies. Statista R stands for recognized industry rankings and top lists, created with renowned media partners worldwide. One of Statista R's long-standing partners is the Financial Times.

Based on Statista's innovative methodology, the Diversity Leaders 2023" were identified in cooperation with Financial Times from reliable findings. More than 100,000 employees were surveyed in companies with at least 250 employees in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The data collected is divided into several assessment dimensions, which are combined into an overall score.  

The survey was conducted using online access panels, which are representative samples of the workforce in the 16 countries listed and a total of 26 industries, including media & advertising. The survey took an average of 6-9 minutes to complete; the survey period ran from April to July 2022. In addition to the panels reaching tens of thousands of workers, a call to actively participate and rate their own employer was posted on ft.com.  

Participants were first asked to rate on a scale of 0 to 10 the extent to which they believed their employer promoted diversity. In further questions, employees were asked to give their opinion on a series of statements about their employer's handling of diversity dimensions such as age, gender, ethnic origin of colleagues, inclusion and sexual orientation (LGBTQ+), as well as the issue of equality in their own company. In order to take the opinions of different groups into account, the ratings of women, older people and ethnic minorities were weighted significantly higher. Furthermore, participants had the opportunity to rate prominent employers in their own industry regarding diversity in the workplace.  

In total, over 300,000 ratings formed the basis for determining Diversity Leaders 2023, with the 850 companies with the highest overall scores being named Diversity Leaders 2023. Infineon Technologies AG is at the top of the ranking. A global semiconductor leader in power systems and IoT. Infineon drives decarbonization and digitalization with its products and solutions. The company has around 56,200 employees worldwide and generated revenue of about €14.2 billion in the 2022 fiscal year (ending 30 September). Infineon is mentioned as one of the first companies to sign the Diversity Charter in Germany in 2007, which aims to increase diversity in the workforce. With this approach, the company was able to make it into the Top Five of the Diversity Leaders Ranking in all the four years that the index exists.



The full ranking and accompanying editorial articles from the Financial Times can be found at the following link: Click here 

Learn more about the methodology and evaluation factors: Click here



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