Cruise passenger destination days in South Korea 2019, by type of port call

Number of cruise passenger destination days in South Korea in 2019, by type of port call

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Release date

August 2019


South Korea

Survey time period


Supplementary notes

Passenger Destination Days (PDD): A measure of potential visits from cruise passengers across the time spent in a destination. [Example: A ship of 1,000 capacity calling at a destination for one day creates a potential of 1,000 PDD]
Transit Port Call: A transit call includes all calls which have the arrival and departure scheduled on the same day. The same passenger load arrives and departs on a transit call.
Overnight Port Call: An overnight call occurs when the vessel departs at least one day after arriving in port. Overnight calls may be added to a transit call or added to a turnaround call. For example, a vessel arriving in Bangkok on 21 May and departing on 23 May is counted as making one transit call (21/5) and two overnight calls (21 and 22/5). A vessel arriving in Hong Kong on 21 May and departing with a different cruise number on 22 May is considered to have had one turnaround and one overnight call. Note that, in our treatment, an overnight does not exist independently of one or the other calls.
Turnaround Port Call: A turnaround call occurs when the vessel arrives under one cruise number and departs with a different cruise number. This would generally involve all passengers on board disembarking and a new passenger load embarking. Turnarounds mark the end of one cruise and the start of the next. Passengers typically do not have the opportunity to sight-see or shop, take shore excursions or tour on a turnaround unless they opt to arrive in the port city early or stay over for an additional night or nights. The ship usually takes on fuel, fresh water, provisions, etc. Passengers and their baggage have to be disembarked and go through customs and immigration procedures, take transfers to the airport (or hotels). The new passenger complement has to be embarked.

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