Revenue of vaccines in Latin America 2016-2028

Revenue of the vaccines market in Latin America from 2016 to 2028

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

This market covers vaccines against infectious diseases. They help to prevent diseases, usually through active immunization. Vaccines against infectious diseases transmitted by viruses (e.g., hepatitis A and B or COVID-19) and bacteria (e.g., typhoid fever or meningococcus) are included.

Market values represent the revenues generated by manufacture prices paid to primary vendors, either directly or through distribution channels (excluding VAT). Reported market revenues include spending by consumers (B2C), companies (B2B), and governments (B2G). 

Company examples: Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck & Co, Sanofi, Moderna, AstraZeneca

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