Prescription Drugs - Ivory Coast

  • Ivory Coast
  • In Ivory Coast, the Prescription Drugs market is expected to experience significant growth in the coming years.
  • By 2024, the revenue in this market is projected to reach US$205.50m.
  • This growth is driven by an annual growth rate of 3.20%, resulting in a market volume of US$233.10m by 2028.
  • In comparison to other countries, United States is expected to generate the highest revenue in the Prescription Drugs market.
  • In 2024, the revenue United States is estimated to reach a staggering US$358.90bn.
  • When considering the population figures, the per-person revenues in Ivory Coast are expected to be US$6.94 in 2024.
  • This indicates the significant impact of the Prescription Drugs market on the country's economy and healthcare system.
  • The demand for prescription drugs in Ivory Coast has been steadily increasing due to a growing middle class and improved access to healthcare services.

Key regions: France, Canada, United States, Australia, Europe

Region comparison

Analyst Opinion

The Prescription Drugs (Pharmacies) market in Ivory Coast has experienced significant growth in recent years. Customer preferences have shifted towards the use of prescription drugs, leading to an increase in demand for pharmacies. This trend can be attributed to several factors, including an aging population, increased healthcare awareness, and improved access to healthcare services.

Customer preferences:
In Ivory Coast, customer preferences have shifted towards the use of prescription drugs. This can be attributed to the aging population, which is more prone to chronic illnesses and requires regular medication. Additionally, there has been an increase in healthcare awareness among the population, leading to a greater emphasis on preventive care and the use of prescription drugs as a part of treatment plans.

Trends in the market:
One of the key trends in the Prescription Drugs (Pharmacies) market in Ivory Coast is the increasing number of pharmacies. As the demand for prescription drugs has grown, there has been a corresponding increase in the number of pharmacies to meet this demand. This trend is expected to continue as the population continues to age and the need for prescription drugs continues to rise. Another trend in the market is the growing popularity of generic drugs. Generic drugs are more affordable than brand-name drugs, making them a preferred choice for many customers. This trend is driven by the desire to reduce healthcare costs and increase accessibility to medication.

Local special circumstances:
Ivory Coast has a growing middle class, which has contributed to the increased demand for prescription drugs. As the middle class expands, more individuals have access to healthcare services and can afford to purchase prescription medications. This has created a favorable market environment for pharmacies and has driven the growth of the Prescription Drugs (Pharmacies) market in Ivory Coast.

Underlying macroeconomic factors:
Several macroeconomic factors have contributed to the development of the Prescription Drugs (Pharmacies) market in Ivory Coast. One of these factors is the overall economic growth of the country. As the economy expands, individuals have more disposable income and are able to afford healthcare services and prescription medications. Additionally, the government of Ivory Coast has implemented policies to improve access to healthcare services, including the availability of prescription drugs. This has created a supportive regulatory environment for the growth of the Prescription Drugs (Pharmacies) market. In conclusion, the Prescription Drugs (Pharmacies) market in Ivory Coast has experienced significant growth due to shifting customer preferences, including an increased demand for prescription drugs and a growing preference for generic medications. The local special circumstances, such as the expanding middle class, have also contributed to the growth of the market. Furthermore, underlying macroeconomic factors, such as economic growth and government policies, have created a favorable environment for the development of the market.


Data coverage:

The data encompasses B2C enterprises. Figures are based on offline and online spending by consumers, including VAT. Not included are B2B and B2G sales, or other pharmaceutical sales through hospitals or retail stores such as supermarkets.

Modeling approach:

Market sizes are determined through a bottom-up approach, building on specific predefined factors for each market market. As a basis for evaluating markets, we use industry associations, third-party studies and reports and survey results from our primary research (e.g., the Statista Global Consumer Survey). In addition, we use relevant key market indicators and data from country-specific associations, such as healthcare expenditure per country, consumer healthcare spending, GDP and internet penetration. This data helps us estimate the market size for each country individually.


In our forecasts, we apply diverse forecasting techniques. The selection of forecasting techniques is based on the behavior of the relevant market. For example, forecasts are based on historical developments, current trends, and key market indicators, using advanced statistical methods. For forecasting digital trends such as the online-pharmacy sales share we use exponential trend smoothing and the s-curve method. The main drivers are healthcare expenditure per country and consumer healthcare spending.

Additional notes:

The data is modeled using current exchange rates. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war are considered at a country-specific level. The market is updated twice a year. GCS data is reweighted for representativeness.


  • Revenue
  • Analyst Opinion
  • Global Comparison
  • Methodology
  • Key Market Indicators
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