On-demand webinars and recordings

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Our webinar recordings

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September 21, 2023
Omnichannel Food Commerce: Gen Z’s personalized shopping journey

On Thursday, September 21, Koen van Gelder, Team Lead Research E-Commerce, Emma Bedford, Senior Team Lead Research Food CG & Agriculture, and Lynn Beyrouthy, Research E-Commerce, will provide insights into the rapidly evolving food retail and the underlying influence of Gen Z.

Food retail is evolving at a greater pace than ever before. Powered by new AI-based technologies and constantly changing consumer preferences, the old brick-and-mortar shopping experience is transforming into a hyper-personalized omnichannel approach.

This webinar recording will look at the following topics:

• What are the omnichannel challenges faced by the food market compared to non-food FMCG?
• What does the hybrid (Gen Z) food shopper expect from their shopping experience?
• Food retail takes place everywhere on the omnichannel spectrum. From Q-commerce to D2C: which channels are here to stay?
• How can food retailers and producers adapt to stay on top of the omnichannel revolution?
• A case study of a representative food retailer.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to webinars@statista.com.

Duration 30 minutes

Language English

July 20, 2023
The Power of Gen Z: From Radicalism to Sustainable Consumption

In this webinar recording from July 20, Jack Spearman, team lead Consumer Insights, and Charlott Saggau, team lead Content Product Innovations, shared the latest insights on Gen Z's consumer behavior, especially towards sustainable products and brands.

Are Gen Z radical consumers? According to Gen Z: What brands are doing well and what brands aren't? What can brands do to reach Gen Z? Gen Z is giving older generations an impressive demonstration of what the consumption of the future may look like, while at the same time creating a generational gap in spending and consumption.

During the webinar, Jack and Charlott focused on the following topics:
• Half of Gen Z across the globe see themselves as sustainable consumers - how high is the willingness to spend more on sustainable brands and products in certain markets.
• Breaking the law as an acceptable way to protect the environment, but preferring legal actions - how differs this to the brand boycotting or canceling by e.g. baby boomers?
• Despite being poor and stressed, Gen Z is willing to spend more for sustainable products - But what requirements must be established for this to happen?

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to webinars@statista.com.

Duration 30 minutes

Language English

June 22, 2023
The megatrend of mobile networks: Is Open RAN stuck?

On Thursday, June 22, Florian Hollender, partner at nxt Statista Consultants, and Niklas Erben, Consultant at nxt Statista, shared a strategic view on a megatrend of mobile networks and what every innovator can learn from it.

Open RAN – the disaggregation of previously monolithic technology that makes mobile networks go - promised network operators lower costs, a more diverse network of component vendors to choose from and even higher speed of innovation.

What has become of those promises, and what can companies outside the telecommunications industry learn from it?

During the webinar, Florian and Niklas took stock from a strategic and non-technical perspective and focused on the following aspects:

  • Why operators have such a hard time adopting Open RAN at scale – and why it is worth the effort.
  • How hyperscalers like Google and AWS are partnering – and attacking at the same time.
  • Why the AI-controlled network might be enabled by Open RAN – yet still is some time away.
  • Why it is an uphill battle to foster a technology startup ecosystem – even when you do everything right.
  • Why geopolitics remain an important driver – but also drive complexity.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to webinars@statista.com.

Duration 30 minutes

Language English

May 23, 2023
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Revolution: How AI is poised to transform industries and reshape the future

In this webinar from May 2023, Timothy Owens, Teamlead Research Digital and Vadim Makarenko, Director Research Digital at Statista share crucial insights into trends and developments in artificial intelligence.

As a global business data platform, we put numbers into context. Which is why we invite our experts at Statista to take the stage in our webinar series Data on Stage.

AI has the potential to disrupt every industry, from healthcare and legal, to manufacturing and entertainment, by enabling companies to automate processes, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. It is estimated that AI's market size will grow twentyfold this decade, reaching up to nearly two trillion U.S. dollars by 2030. AI-powered tools and applications, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT, are already being used to improve customer service, create personalized experiences, increase labor productivity, and enhance decision-making capabilities. However, with these benefits come significant challenges, such as data privacy concerns, ethical considerations, and the potential for job displacement and labor market disruptions.

During the recorded webinar, Tim and Vadim focus on the following topics:

• Brace for impact: The sectors of the economy that will be most affected by AI
• Labor market disruption: Which professions are most exposed to automation?
• Risks and rewards: The leading concerns around AI deployment and the business benefits of early adopters

Please reach out to webinars@statista.com if you have any questions.

Duration 30 minutes

Language English

April 20, 2023
Alternative digital payments: Who and where?

In this webinar from April 2023, Raynor de Best, Specialist Expert in Financial Services & Real Estate at Statista, shared crucial insights into trends and developments in digital payments.

In only a few years, macroeconomic events fundamentally shaped consumer payment behavior across the world. Cash is no longer king in certain countries, while cards also faced growing competition from fast-emerging digital payment alternatives. These challengers to the payments throne are often discussed individually, but rarely put together or compared against each other. Is fintech to take over from traditional payments like cards or cash, or will banks catch up and provide custom payment solutions? Or will blockchain - using either Bitcoin or CBDC – become a viable tool for payments?

During the webinar, Raynor focused on the following payment methods:

• Digital wallets: Apple Pay and Google Pay
• Buy now, pay later (BNPL) consumer adoption
• Real-time, or instant, payments: When will they kick off?
• Local initiatives involving open banking or embedded finance
• Cryptocurrency penetration, and are consumers willing to pay with it?
• Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC): Their current status

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to webinars@statista.com.

Duration 30 minutes

Language English

March 30, 2023
Artificial Intelligence: Creators, Company Landscape, and Consequences

In this webinar recording from March 2023, Maike Schlumbohm, Director of Company Insights at Statista, shared crucial insights into the recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and its impact on companies.

We are already in the middle of the decade of AI. This unstoppable technological achievement is often viewed and discussed with skepticism. But companies need to understand AI and use it to stay competitive in an increasingly digital and data-driven world. By leveraging the power of AI, companies can not only unlock efficiencies but also harness additional intelligence, create innovative new services, and generate entirely new business models. The recent launch of ChatGPT has created a new wave of awareness around AI and its influence everywhere and for everyone, not just the technologically minded.

During the webinar, Maike focused on the following topics:
• The market size and growth of artificial intelligence and the company landscape that surrounds it
• The generative AI market highlighting the current hype of ChatGPT
• The impact of artificial intelligence on companies and society.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to webinars@statista.com.

Duration 30 minutes

Language English

March 28, 2023
Overview of the food economy and its trends in the Middle East

In this webinar recording from March 2023, Amna Puri-Mirza, Teamlead Middle East, Yasmine Ouf, Research Middle East, and Saifaddin Galal, Researcher Egypt, Ethiopia, South Africa, have shared interesting insights into the food industry and economy and its insights and outlooks in the Middle East.

The rising cost of living, especially in the food industry, is currently a global concern, and the Middle Eastern region is no exception to this development. However, the challenges experienced within the food economy are vastly different within the Middle Eastern region. At the same time, there are connecting factors that shape Middle Eastern consumers’ food preferences, habits, and trends. The global pandemic has accelerated the digitalization of the food economy in the Middle East, and this trend is here to stay, especially considering consumer preferences during the holy month of Ramadan.

During this webinar, Amna, Yasmine, and Saifaddin addressed:
• How the food industry will develop,
• Interesting trends in the food industry all over the Middle East,
• Ramadan-related food preferences.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to webinars@statista.com.

Duration 30 minutes

Language English

March 2, 2023
FAST and unfastidious: the video streaming transformation

In this webinar recording from March 2023, Vadim Makarenko, Director of Research Digital at Statista and Agnieszka Guttmann, Team Lead Research Media shared interesting insights of the TV streaming trends and thereby focused on free ad-supported streaming television (FAST) in particular.

From a consumer standpoint, video streaming is empowering. You decide when, what, and how you watch. And binge-viewing is one of the most important manifestations of this empowerment. No limits, no schedule, no ads… Wait a moment! Actually, ads are coming back as subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) platforms are stagnating or even losing customers, particularly in the saturated U.S. market. Another impulse for changes in the industry is the looming recession and slowdown in consumer spending on entertainment. While ad-supported video-on-demand (AVOD) has been growing rapidly in the last few years, another advertising-based segment has caught the attention of consumers, copyrights owners, and advertisers: free ad-supported streaming TV (FAST). How is it impacting the video streaming industry?
During the webinar Agnieszka and Vadim addressed the following:

• How ad-supported streaming opens doors to new audiences.
• Whether FAST is an answer to attracting subscribers and increasing revenue.
• If video streaming is going back to TV basics and at what level

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to webinars@statista.com.

Duration 30 minutes

Language English

December 15, 2022
Rise and shine - the reinvention of beauty

In this webinar recording from December 2022, Madeleine Brinckmann, Senior Team Lead Consumer Market Outlook at Statista, shared insights on the latest trends within the beauty industry.

With online shopping ubiquitous, the next step for the beauty industry is to enter the metaverse and fundamentally change the decision-making and buying process. This is where technologies come in, harnessing the power of data, AI, and AR to create a seamless transition.

During the webinar Madeleine will focus on the following topics:

·         Beauty tech and what level of individualization the beauty industry has embraced
·         The role apps and NFTs play in the beauty industry
·         Whether the Beauty Industry is ready for the Metaverse or not

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to webinars@statista.com.

Duration 30 minutes

Language English

December 8, 2022
Digital Economy APAC - The eCommerce landscape in Southeast Asia

On Thursday, December 8, Joschka Müller, Team Lead Southeast Asia Research at Statista, shared insights about the e-commerce landscape in Southeast Asia.

Southeast Asia is expected to become one of the most important hubs for eCommerce due to high internet usage, rising salaries, and a great propensity to purchase. In the past decade, several major e-commerce companies such as Shopee, Lazada, and Tokopedia successfully established themselves in the market. Hybrid business models have further ensured that these players expanded the classic eCommerce sector and, in some cases, also have high market power in other business areas.

·    While Indonesia leads the eCommerce market by size, all regions have been forecast to see significant growth

·    Electronics was the leading product category for eCommerce purchases among Southeast Asian consumers

·    eCommerce growth supported the rise in digital payment methods

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to webinars@statista.com.

Duration 30 minutes

Language English

November 17, 2022
Increasing your success by leveraging omnichannel potentials

In this webinar recording from November 2022, Florian Kuhr, Senior Director – Growth and Europe at Statista Q shared insights on the latest e-commerce and omnichannel trends that will have a profound and lasting impact on how consumers interact with Retailers and Brands.

In a world with diverse opportunities for multi-channel touchpoints with customers, the question is how companies can identify what their customers want, and which measures really work. Using latest consumer trend data and case study examples with reference to a huge body of research, Florian provided the latest outlook into the global e-commerce market and connect insights on latest consume trends and drivers with market potentials for selected omnichannel solutions.

During the webinar Florian addressed the following:

• Current growth and weakening factors of the latest e-commerce market outlook
• Cross channel services enabling frictionless and convenient customer journeys
• Role of social media and entertainment touchpoints as social commerce channels
• AI driven technologies elevating the in-store experience

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to webinars@statista.com.

Duration 30 minutes

Language English

November 10, 2022
Mobility-as-a-Service - the Future of Transit

On November 10, Nick Maynard, Head of Research at Juniper & Erick Burgueño Salas, research expert for mobility and logistics at Statista presented a comprehensive view of the Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) market, how it works in practice, the key trends and what the future holds.

What is mobility-as-a-service (#MaaS) and why does it affect us all? Public transport, car sharing, cabs, Uber - the mobility of the future will be versatile. But how will the experience of getting from A to B be a smooth ride, how does it work behind the scenes, and most importantly, what does our mobile future look like?

The webinar also examines Juniper Research’s data on the MaaS market, and includes a question and answer session to have your say. The 45-min webinar focuses specifically on:

  • What is Mobility-as-a-Service, how does it get implemented, and which are the mobility options normally used (ride-hailing, e-scooters, conventional public transport, etc.)
  • Technicalities of offering it, together with advantages of its implementation
  • MaaS' key trends and data from Juniper

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to webinars@statista.com.

Duration 45 minutes

Language English

October 20, 2022
Economic uncertainty and Buy Now, Pay Later

On Thursday, October 20, Raynor de Best, Specialist Expert at Statista will share interesting insights on trends that are impacting payment markets.

BNPL, or Buy Now, Pay Later, featured often in payment industry news in 2021. Consumers in both Point of Sale and E-commerce shifted their transactions away from cash and credit cards to new, emerging companies – causing some of the major payment companies to offer BNPL products of their own to their merchant customers. With inflation surging in 2022, however, is this a potential incentive for businesses and consumers to start using Buy Now, Pay later, or is it too risky of a time for the alternative payment option?

During the webinar Raynor will address the following:

·       Buy Now, Pay Later consumer adoption across the world
·       How Bigtech, such as Apple and Google, approaches BNPL
·       Consumer behavior and debt
·       B2B Buy Now, Pay Later: an option for businesses?
·       A forecast on Buy Now, Pay Later

Please note this webinar is offered three times. Please use the dropdown on the registration form to select the time that suits you better. Make sure to use the “Show in my time zone”-button.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to webinars@statista.com.

Duration 30 minutes

Language English

September 22, 2022
From frenzy to fall: is eCommerce back to normal?

In this webinar recording from September 2022 Christoph Blumtritt, Team Lead Digital Market Outlook at Statista will share interesting insights on the everchanging eCommerce market. Economy as a whole is facing an unpredictable era, so it is time to investigate what that might mean for eCommerce.

In this webinar, Christoph talks about how the so-called “post-pandemic hangover” is ending the unparalleled growth boom in the market. Additionally, the macroeconomic effects of the Russia-Ukraine war, market inflation, and supply chain shocks are discussed, as well as specific challenges eCommerce companies face. Finally, Christoph ventures a look into the future and shows what frictionless social and metaverse commerce have in store for us. During the webinar the following questions will be addressed:

·                How is the eCommerce market developing in 2022 and what is the expected scenario in the next years?
·                What are the concrete effects on the market coming from the Russia-Ukraine war, inflation, supply chain shocks and shifting consumer budgets?
·                How are major players performing so far and how are they dealing with current challenges?
·                How will the future with social and metaverse commerce look like?

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to webinars@statista.com.

Duration 30 minutes

Language English

August 18, 2022
The Future of Programmatic Advertising. New channels – new opportunities?

In this webinar recording from August 2022, Oliver von Wersch, Partner and Executive Board Member at nxt Statista shared interesting insights about programmatic advertising, once one of the digital industry's key growth drivers, and why it faces increasing criticism within the industry.


After ten years of being the industry’s powerful engine, programmatic advertising is confronted with concerns of being opaque and potentially affected by data leaks. In addition, more and more advertisers are questioning the apparent accuracy of cookie-based real-time targeting options. At the same time, the potential of new channels such as ConnectedTV, AddressableTV, and Programmatic Audio have to be addressed, as well as the revival of existing methods such as contextual advertising.
What challenges arise for advertisers and publishers with increasing relevance of multi-channel media strategies? Are cross-platform data strategies the key to success? Is data, in general, going to be more important or less? Those questions had been addressed during the webinar while Oliver von Wersch also gave an overview on topics such as:
• Opportunities are provided by new media distribution channels inside the digital advertising ecosystem.
• Characterization of Programmatic Advertising’s future, in the light of the current regulatory threads and criticism.
• Importance of first-party consumer data for a successful digital marketing strategy in the coming years.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to webinars@statista.com.

Duration 30 minutes

Language English

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