Revenue of the juices market worldwide by country 2022

Revenue of the juices market worldwide by country in 2022

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


This segment consists of all types of bottled fruit and vegetable juices which contain 100% fruit and/or vegetable juice. These juices can be directly pressed or from concentrate. Not included are fruit nectars or other drinks which do not have 100% fruit juice content. Fruit nectars with limited fruit content and juice-based soft drinks are not included here.


The segment consists of 6 subsegments:
  • Orange Juice
  • Apple Juice
  • Grapefruit Juice
  • Pineapple Juice
  • Grape Juice
  • Other Juice, Juice Mixtures & Smoothies

Additonal Information:

Prominent brand manufacturers of fruit juices are the Coca-Cola Company (e.g. Innocent), PepsiCo (e.g. Tropicana), and Del Monte.
The market for Non-Alcoholic Drinks is structured into retail sales for at home consumption and on-premise or foodservice sales for out-of-home consumption. The at-home market, also called off-trade market, covers all retail sales via super- and hypermarkets, convenience stores or similar sales channels. The out-of-home market, also called on-trade market, away-from-home market or HORECA encompasses all sales to hotels, restaurants, catering, cafés, bars and similar hospitality service establishments. Both the at-home and the out-of-home market are valued at retail selling prices including all sales and consumption taxes. The valuation of the out-of-home segment at retail prices means a significant change of the market definition in comparison to earlier iterations of the Consumer Market Outlook, as out-of-home consumption was valued at wholesale prices before. This means, market totals are not comparable to published data from prior years. The price per unit always references liters as a base unit. One liter of Juice roughly equals 3 to 5 servings (of 0.33 or 0.2 liters each).

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