Revenue of the drones industry in the U.S. 2019-2029

Revenue of the drones market in the United States from 2019 to 2029

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Drones, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are remote-controlled flying vehicles that were originally developed for military applications and later expanded to civilian use in commercial, logistic, recreational, and agricultural areas, among others. Consumer drones, the first variety developed for non-military use, were initially only of interest to model aircraft enthusiasts. Nowadays, however, they are also used by tech fans, sports fans, adventurers, professional photographers, and videographers – thanks to the adoption of various innovative technologies, such as flight technology, mobile technology, video technology, as well as advanced software and ecosystems, in the course of the past decades. After years of development, the range of consumer drone models is almost limitless now: tricopters, quadcopters, hexacopters, or octocopters, with 3, 4, 6, or 8 rotors, respectively. And the price varies according to the features of the device, such as its size, sensing systems, onboard cameras, batteries, and flight modes – ranging from under US$100 for a lightweight hobbyist drone to over US$1,000 for a prosumer drone with a 4K camera, an obstacle sensing system, a flight range of up to 5 kilometers, and 30 minutes of flight time. But the overall average price shows a falling trend due to lower production costs and material prices.

Additional Information:

The market comprises revenue, average revenue per capita, volume, average volume per capita, and price. Figures are generated through both online and offline sales channels and include spending by consumers (B2C). Key players in the market are companies like DJI, Parrot, and Autel Robotics. These companies are leaders in their respective segments and are known for their innovative products, brand reputation, and extensive distribution networks. For more information on the data displayed, use the info button right next to the boxes.

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