Ebola deaths from West Africa outbreak by country 2016
Ebola victims from the West African outbreak
The number of probable deaths and suspect deaths in Sierra Leone due to Ebola totaled 208 and 158, respectively, as of January 14, 2015. In many of the most affected countries, the number of cases has been most prominent in those between 15 and 44 years of age. In Liberia 2,653 cases of the total 4,499 cases have been from this age group. There have been a total of 21,362 cases and 8,478 deaths within African and other affected countries as of this time. Outside of Africa, there have been cases of Ebola in the United States, Spain, Germany, and France, as well as some other European nations.
This outbreak of Ebola has killed more people than a combination of all other past outbreaks. It is likely that the numbers estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO) may be underestimated. Patient zero has been traced to a 2 year old child living in Meliandou, a small village in Guinea. Some local communities within Africa remain suspect of outside help and hinder the efforts from foreign medical aid. Food accessibility has also been limited due to this outbreak, with a prediction that as many as 750,000 people may be unable to find affordable food by March 2015.