Average number of medals won per capita in the Summer Olympics 1896-2020

Average number of medals won per capita at the Summer Olympics from 1896 to 2020

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Release date

August 2021



Survey time period

1896 to 2021

Supplementary notes

Data for countries with five or more gold medals only.

This data was collected using the official Olympic.org site, as well as a spreadsheet from the Guardian that includes data from 1896-2008 (available here), 2012 and 2016 data was compared with that from Encyclopaedia Britannica, and several news outlets were used to update the table when medals were reassigned (i.e. for doping offenses).

*The population data used in the calculations comes from United Nations estimates for the year 2020, apart from the following countries:
Soviet Union - 290.938 million (1990)
East Germany - 16.11 million (1990)
West Germany - 63.25 million (1990)
Yugoslavia - 23.23 million (1991)
Czechoslovakia - 15.6 million (1993)

**Includes medals from the Unified Team in the 1992 Olympics; made up of all athletes from former-Soviet countries, excluding the Baltic States. Does not include medals won by Russia or the Russian Empire.

***Includes medals from the united German teams of the 1956, 1960 and 1964 Olympics, but does not include medals from East Germany or West Germany, whose medals are included in separate entries.

****Does not include medals won by athletes representing the Russian Olympic Committee in 2020.

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