Latin America: digital commerce users 2020-2028, by region

Number of users of digital commerce in Latin America from 2020 to 2028, by region

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The Digital Commerce market covers all consumer transactions made via the Internet which are directly related to online shopping for products and services. This can include transactions made through websites, mobile apps, and other online platforms made via various payment methods such as credit cards, direct debit, invoice, or online payment providers. Digital commerce enables businesses and consumers to conduct transactions remotely, with a variety of payment options and delivery methods available. It also allows for the collection and analysis of data to support personalization and targeted marketing efforts.

Additional Information:

The market comprises transaction values, users, average transaction value per user, and penetration rates. Transaction values are generated via wide range of activities such as online retail sales, and purchase of services on online marketplaces(includes eServices, Travel and Tourism, Digital Media & Digital Health).

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