Forecast: hardware, plumbing, heating equipment wholesale trade U.S. 2008-2018

Wholesale sales of hardware, plumbing, heating equipment & supply (NAICS 4237) in the United States from 2008 to 2018

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Supplementary notes

* Forecast.

Methodology and further information: Historic data were retrieved from the United States Census Bureau up until 2013. All forecasts rely on sophisticated statistical modelling conducted by Statista Research & Analysis. Forecast methods include trend analysis and linear regressions under consideration of relevant market drivers.

Includes sales of products that are shipped on this firm's orders directly to customers, retail sales made by wholesale establishments, gross value of sales made on a commission basis (not this firm's actual commissions), receipts from freight, installations, rentals, maintenance, repairs, alterations, storage, and other such services, excise taxes (such as those on gasoline, liquor, and tobacco) that are levied on the manufacturer and included in the cost of products purchased by the firm; excludes sales from establishments that are primarily selling products manufactured or mined in the United States by the firm, foreign sales of products that never entered the United States, nonoperating receipts (such as interest income, income from investment, and receipts from the rental or sale of real estate), commissions earned for the sale of products, receipts from customers for carrying or other credit charges.

Note: Excluding MSBOs, non-merchant wholesalers such as agents, brokers, and electronic markets.

More information on market forecasts on Statista can be found here.

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