Use of SVOD in Brussels (Belgium) 2016-2019, by gender

Share of individuals who used video on demand from a commercial service (such as Netflix) in Brussels-Capital Region (Belgium) from 2016 to 2019, by gender

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Release date

February 2020



Survey time period

2016, 2018 and 2019

Number of respondents


Age group

16-74 years

Special properties

Citizens from Belgium who used the Internet in the past 3 months

Method of interview


Supplementary notes

* The number of respondents shown here is the total for the country of Belgium. The source did not specify the number of respondents specifically from the Brussels-Capital Region.

This question was phrased by the source as follows: "For which of the following activities did you use the Internet for private reasons in the last three months?" [Watch other online video material from commercial services (e.g. Netflix) on demand]. (In Belgian Dutch: "Voor welke van de volgende activiteiten gebruikte u tijdens de laatste drie maanden het internet om privéredenen?" [Op aanvraag kijken naar ander onlinevideomateriaal van commerciële diensten (bv. Netflix)], in French: "Au cours de ces trois derniers mois, parmi les activités suivantes sur l’Internet, lesquelles avez-vous effectuées à des fins privées?" [Regarder sur demande d’autres vidéos en ligne de services commerciaux Netflix p.ex.)]

The figures have been taken from several publications.

The source does not mention why no numbers were given for 2017. The survey did return that year, but the question was not asked. In 2018, the source resumed the question. Additionally, no numbers exist from before 2016.

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