Registered doctors in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2024, by age and gender
In 2024, roughly 390 thousand doctors were registered in the United Kingdom (UK). The age group with the highest number of doctors is among 30 to 34 years with nearly 64 thousand professionals, followed those aged 35 to 39 years. There were 12.6 thousand doctors aged over 70 years in the UK still registered.
Gender distribution of UK doctors
In total, there are more male doctors than female doctors registered in the UK. However, there are differences by age group. The majority of younger doctors are female. In fact, there is a clear divide, in 2024, there were more male doctors in all age groups over 45 years, while in all age groups younger than 45 years, female doctors outweighed males. The gender distribution also varies depending on the specialty of the doctor.
General Practice
Of the 390 thousand doctors registered in the United Kingdom in 2023, around 80.5 thousand were registered as general practitioners. In the last ten years, the ratio of patients per GP practice has been increasing, indicating a stretch on the health service. In 2016, there were, approximately 7.8 thousand patients to each GP practice in England, by 2023 this figure had climbed to nearly 10 thousand.