Brazil’s connection to fashion is globally recognized not only as the country of origin of many top models, but also as one of the most prominent fashion industries in the world. Brazil was the only Latin American country listed among the top 15
, surpassing Spain in revenue. That same year, the Portuguese-speaking country also ranked as having the 11th largest
, ahead of Russia and Spain. In the
, Brazil likewise occupied the 11th place in terms of revenue, ahead of Mexico.
Leading clothing and accessories companies
The family clothing store Lojas Renner was the
leading Brazilian fashion retailer, based on net revenue. The company, headquartered in Porto Alegre, increased its
numbers of stores by around 58 percent between 2015 and 2022. Furthermore, in 2022 Lojas Renner reported a
gross profit of more than double what it was in 2015.
When it comes to accessories, Chilli Beans – a Brazilian sunglasses, watches, and accessories brand – stands out as the
largest Brazilian franchise in the fashion industry, with over nine hundred stores in 2022. That same year, the Brazilian textile and apparel company Cia. Hering ranked second among the leading fashion franchises in the South American country.
Main sales channels for the industry
Throughout the 2010s, physical stores comprised the dominant channel for
retail sales of clothing and accessories in Brazil, despite that fact that their numbers have been declining continuously since 2014. However, as the retail world moves increasingly towards digital formats, the internet has gained popularity as a sales channel, with the number of online clothing and accessories retailers rising in recent years. Therefore, it is not surprising that fashion and accessories were among the
leading retail e-commerce categories in Brazil in 2022.
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