Revenue growth of bottled water worldwide 2015-2027

Revenue growth of the bottled water market worldwide from 2015 to 2027

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The segment consists of both carbonated and non-carbonated water which is sold in bottles or via water dispensers. Various regulations at European and national levels define mineral water as natural ground water. Its composition and other characteristics must remain constant between certain tolerance levels. These regulations vary by region, nevertheless, Bottled Water often serves as a substitute for deficient tap water.

Additonal Information:

Globally important brand manufacturers are Nestlé (San Pellegrino, Vittel, Arrowhead and others), Danone (Volvic, Evian and others) and the Coca-Cola Company (Bonaqua, Apollinaris and others).
The market for Non-Alcoholic Drinks is structured into retail sales for at home consumption and on-premise or foodservice sales for out-of-home consumption. The at-home market, also called off-trade market, covers all retail sales via super- and hypermarkets, convenience stores or similar sales channels. The out-of-home market, also called on-trade market, away-from-home market or HORECA encompasses all sales to hotels, restaurants, catering, cafés, bars and similar hospitality service establishments. Both the at-home and the out-of-home market are valued at retail selling prices including all sales and consumption taxes. The valuation of the out-of-home segment at retail prices means a significant change of the market definition in comparison to earlier iterations of the Consumer Market Outlook, as out-of-home consumption was valued at wholesale prices before. This means, market totals are not comparable to published data from prior years. The price per unit always references liters as a base unit for both at-home and out-of-home consumption. One liter of beverage represents typical serving sizes of 2 to 5 glasses (0.2 to 0.5 liters).

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