Smartphone users in Indonesia 2018-2028
Mobile internet usage in Indonesia
The growth of the smartphone market is also followed by internet usage. In Indonesia, mobile internet penetration has experienced a continuous rise and is expected to increase further in the following years. Despite this rapid growth, the country still needs to work on advancing its network technologies. The adoption of the 5G network lags behind 4G due to limited 5G connectivity in the country, and extensive infrastructure development is still needed to accelerate this improvement.Mobile e-commerce in Indonesia
Indonesia is one of the most sought-after markets globally for e-commerce, with large local players and global heavyweights fighting for this enormous growing market. The penetration rate of the e-commerce market in Indonesia has gradually increased over the past few years and is forecast to face rapid growth until 2027. Primarily accessing the internet through mobile devices, it is estimated that more than half of all smartphone users in Indonesia purchase goods and services online. Besides their websites, most top e-commerce companies also have mobile applications allowing users to shop online through mobile devices.