The United States is gearing up for its largest annual migration - Thanksgiving. Last year, 53.7 million Americans were stuck in tailbacks, fighting for seats on buses and battling their way through airports to spend the holiday with friends and family. This year, roads and airports are expected to be even busier with the American Automobile Association predicting 55.2 million Americans will be making a journey of at least 50 miles, most of whom will be on the country's roads.
The nasty traffic situation tends to make the most headlines every year but the skies are getting increasingly busy as well. Airlines for America (A4A) have forecast that 31.6 million passengers will travel on U.S. airlines during the Thanksgiving period, making 2019 a record year. Last year, 30.5 million people worldwide travelled aboard U.S. carriers during the 12-day period starting Friday before Thanksgiving and ending the Tuesday after.
A4A is projecting that U.S. airlines will carry 2.63 million passengers per day this Thanksgiving period with Thanksgiving Day itself among the lighter travelling days (1.79 million passengers). Sunday, December 1 is projected to be the busiest day ever for the U.S. airline industry, with an estimated 3.1 million passengers.