Theresa May is the second female British Prime Minister in office.
Before her, it was Margaret Thatcher who governed the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 with an iron hand, cracking down on labour unions and sending a fleet to reclaim the Falklands. Thatcher wasn't just the first woman in office, but also the longest serving Prime Minster of the last century until today.
Now the UK has voted to Brexit, Theresa May becomes Prime Minister by default, David Cameron having stepped down after losing the referendum. Back in 1979 Thatcher had become Prime Minister after winning a general election. That's just one difference between the two female PMs.
May is considered to be far more moderate in her political views, rather the liberal type. Thatcher's political beliefs are often thought to have been inspired by radical libertarian ideas, which are based around the notion of personal freedom and by all means limiting the power of the state.
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