Bags & accessories: top 5 online stores in the United States in 2021, by net sales

Most popular online stores in the bags and accessories segment in the United States in 2021, by e-commerce net sales

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United States

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Supplementary notes

The e-commerce market category “Bags & Accessories” contains various types of bags and accessories. Included are e.g. leather bags, suitcases and purses as well as jewelry, hats, scarves, and gloves, amongst others.

The e-commerce market encompasses the sale of physical goods via a digital channel to a private end user (B2C). Incorporated in this definition are purchases via desktop computer (including notebooks and laptops) as well as purchases via mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

The following are not included in the e-commerce market: digitally distributed services (e.g. travel tickets), online stores dedicated to digital media downloads or streams as well as online stores dedicated to B2B markets nor sales between private persons (C2C). Market volume, market growth and all monetary figures at store level refer to the annual e-commerce net sales after the deduction of returns.

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