Number of U.S. presidents born in each state 1789-2021

Number of U.S. presidents born in each state, from those elected between 1789 and 2021

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Release date

January 2021


United States

Survey time period

1789 to 2021

Supplementary notes

*Andrew Jackson was born in the Waxhaw region along the border of North and South Carolina. The precise location of his birth remains unknown and disputed, however Jackson himself claimed to have been born in South Carolina, and most historians accept this.

The list of states, the presidents , and their year of birth are as follows:
Virginia: George Washington (1732), Thomas Jefferson (1743), James Madison (1751), James Monroe (1758), William Henry Harrison (1773), Zachary Taylor (1784), John Tyler (1790), Woodrow Wilson (1856)
Ohio: Ulysses S. Grant (1822), Rutherford B. Hayes (1822), James A. Garfield (1831), Benjamin Harrison (1833), William McKinley (1843), William H. Taft (1857), Warren G. Harding (1865)
New York: Martin Van Buren (1782), Millard Fillmore (1800), Theodore Roosevelt (1858), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882), Donald Trump (1946)
Massachusetts: John Adams (1735), John Quincy Adams (1767), John F. Kennedy (1917), George H. W. Bush (1924)
North Carolina: James K. Polk (1795), Andrew Johnson (1808)
Pennsylvania: James Buchanan (1791), Joe Biden (1942)
Texas: Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890), Lyndon B. Johnson (1908)
Vermont: Chester A. Arthur (1829), Calvin Coolidge (1872)
Arkansas: Bill Clinton (1946)
California: Richard Nixon (1913)
Connecticut: George W. Bush (1946)
Georgia: Jimmy Carter (1924)
Hawaii: Barack Obama (1961)
Illinois: Ronald Reagan (1911)
Iowa: Herbert Hoover (1874)
Kentucky: Abraham Lincoln (1809)
Missouri: Harry S. Truman (1884)
Nebraska: Gerald Ford (1913)
New Hampshire: Franklin Pierce (1804)
New Jersey: Grover Cleveland (1837)
South Carolina: Andrew Jackson (1767)

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