Global eServices market penetration rate 2017-2027, by segment

Penetration rate of the eServices market worldwide from 2017 to 2027, by segment

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

eServices refer to the delivery of services through electronic means, typically via the internet. eServices offer the convenience of conducting transactions and accessing information online and have become increasingly popular in recent years due to the growth of internet accessibility and the increasing use of digital devices.

The definition includes event tickets (sport events, music events and cinema tickets), dating services (matchmaking, online dating, casual dating), online gambling, and online education. The ticket reservation or purchase can be completed on a desktop PC or via mobile devices (smartphones or tablets).

The definition of eServices does not include media content acquired online (see: Digital Media) or the online sale of physical goods (see: eCommerce). Furthermore, no business-to-business segments are included, and neither are revenues from software downloads, and services, or price/product comparison site commission fees.

All figures are estimate. A detailed methodology can be found in the Statista Market Insights.

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