Most important environmental issues in France 2018
Ready to change their habits
According to the source, climate change and air pollution have been mentioned as two of the three most important environmental issues in France in 2018. On the other hand, emissions and soil erosion appear to be two problems which do not have the same impact on public opinion in France. Emissions were mentioned by 12 percent of respondents, compared to five percent for soil erosion. In a country that has the highest level of nuclear energy consumption in Europe, the population seems to be more aware of global warming. For a few years now it may be stated that the French population is trying to change its habits. Since 2010, more and more French were buying products in organic stores or bio departments in supermarkets. In 2015, there were also 52 percent stating that they systematically sort their waste in public spaces.
Policy for environment
Despite not being the European country with the strongest policy concerning environment, France is trying to make efforts. The level of carbon dioxide emissions in the country has decreased since 2000. With 234.7 million metric tons of CO2 emitted in 2017, France was the fifth country in Europe with the highest level of emissions of CO2, far behind countries like Germany or the United Kingdom. In 2016, the French government spent more than 47 billion euros in environmental protection and the share of energy from renewable sources in gross final energy consumption increased.