Revenue from the content management software segment worldwide 2016-2028

Content management software segment revenue worldwide from 2016 to 2028

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The Content Management Software market covers a wide range of software applications that support organizations in managing their digital content such as documents, images, and videos. The software provides tools to create, store, organize, retrieve, and publish digital content, and it can help organizations streamline their content creation and publishing processes, improve their content quality, and increase their efficiency.

Products in the Content Management Software market can be obtained in two ways: as on-premises software that is sold via a transactional license or a subscription and as cloud-based software (software as a service/ SaaS) that is most frequently sold as a subscription.

Additional Information:

The Content Management Software market comprises revenue and revenue growth as the key performance indicators. Only the revenues that are generated by primary vendors at the manufacturer price level either directly or through distribution channels (excluding value-added tax) are included and the revenues generated by resellers are excluded. Revenues are generated through both online and offline sales channels and include spending by consumers (B2C), enterprises (B2B), as well as governments (B2G).

Key players in this market include OpenText, Box, Microsoft, and Adobe.

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