Content types overview
Today there are over 1 million statistics on 80,000 different topics from more than 22,500 sources available on our platforms. Every day our content teams update and add contents. We distinguish between Basic Statistics (about 7%), which can be accessed without an account or with our Basic Account, and our Premium Statistics (approx. 93%), which you can use by upgrading to a Starter or Professional Account.
Option 1: The navigation bar gives you direct access to the most popular statistics of different industries. Here you can also get to the lists of recent and popular statistics. Moreover, we provide links to related topic pages and studies.
Option 2: Make sure that the content type search filter for statistics is checked. A search will then automatically display all matching statistics as search results.
Feel free to have a look at a ranking of the most recent statistics or most popular statistics for a first overview.
How to access statistics:
Option 1: The navigation bar gives you direct access to the most popular statistics of different industries. Here you can also get to the lists of recent and popular statistics. Moreover, we provide links to related topic pages and studies.
Option 2: Make sure that the content type search filter for statistics is checked. A search will then automatically display all matching statistics as search results.
- - Welcome to Statista
- - Statista account setup
- - Your access to Statista
- - Working with Statista
- - Content types overview
- - Insights
- - Personalization
- - Publishing Statista content
- - Statista for corporate customers
- - Statista for universities
- - More Statista Services
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Please also consider our other resources to help you and your team to make the most of our data.
- Learn more about our Business Solutions
- Explore success stories from clients using our products and services
- Include data with the Statista API
- Kick off research projects with our Research & Analysis-Team
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