Right-wing violence in German federal states in 2018
Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, recently announced that the number of right-wing extremist in Germany reached a new high. There were an estimated 24,100 in 2018, of which 12,700 were considered violent. The number of right-wing violent acts also increased slightly in 2018 compared to the previous year and our of all federal states, Brandenburg had the most per 100,000 inhabitants - 4.74.
The former East-Germany had a higher number of politically motivated acts of violence and Saxony-Anhalt was close behind with 4.12 while Saxony had 3.38. The situation is better in the western part of the country and the lowest rates were recorded in Bremen, Hesse and Baden Württemberg.
The former East-Germany had a higher number of politically motivated acts of violence and Saxony-Anhalt was close behind with 4.12 while Saxony had 3.38. The situation is better in the western part of the country and the lowest rates were recorded in Bremen, Hesse and Baden Württemberg.