Revenue of the IT consulting & implementation industry worldwide 2018-2029

Revenue of the IT consulting & implementation market worldwide from 2018 to 2029

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Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

Definition :
The IT Consulting & Implementation market refers to advisory services provided by professionals and firms that help businesses evaluate their technology strategies and align them with their business strategies or internal processes. IT consulting and implementation services help organizations leverage technology effectively to streamline operations, improve efficiency, enhance security, and achieve their business objectives. Consulting areas include the overall strategy, technology architecture, and implementation. Any non-IT-related business consulting and implementation services are excluded from this analysis.

Additional Information:

The IT Consulting & Implementation market comprises revenues, revenue change, average spend per employee, and a list of the key players in the market and their consolidated revenues. Market values represent revenues that are generated by primary vendors either directly or through distribution channels at the manufacturer price level (excluding VAT). Reported market revenues include spending by enterprises (B2B) and governments (B2G). Detailed definitions of each market can be found on the respective page where the market data is displayed. Key players in the market include Accenture, IBM, Cognizant, TCS, and Infosys.

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