Statista API

Power your applications with trusted data

Leverage comprehensive insights in your application. Access Statista data from more than 40,000 sources and over 170 industries programatically. Search through our data catalogue and embed compelling insights into your workflows.

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Use Cases

We support a variety of use cases


Search and filter through Statista's data catalogue across statistics, market insights, infographics and studies with our Discovery API.


Retrieve the raw data behind Statista's charts and graphics. Use Statista's Data API to manipulate and display our data in your application or dashboard.

Your AI

Use a combination of the Data and Discovery API to tailor to your RAG or LLM setup.


Our AI

Use our Research AI directly in your application to provide users with factual and precise answers with key facts and reliable sources.


Integrate in minutes, scale in seconds

  • Pay-per-use

Pay only for what you use with our usage based pricing model.


Implement our API in any programming language with our fast and simple REST API.

  • Secure by design

Our data is safeguarded through AWS-generated API keys, ensuring robust and reliable access.

Ready to power your business?

If you are interested, please fill out this this form to contact us.