Cat population in the United Kingdom (UK) 2011-2024
The UK cat population was estimated at 12.5 million in 2024, marking a decrease of around one million from the year. 2024 reached the highest recorded figure since the survey began. It is important to note that the survey changed from face-to-face to online in 2021, making it difficult to compare years. Across the UK the share of households owning at least one cat is going strong, if a little behind those who choose the company of canines.
Cats make people happy
Dogs may reign supreme in the nation, but cats are still a popular choice for pets in the UK, and for the sweetest reasons too. It is safe to say that UK cat owners have strong emotional ties with their furry friends, with majority of people viewing cats not just as pets but as reliable sources for love, affection, and happiness.
EU loves cats more than UK
When compared with the rest of the EU, the United Kingdom fares relatively behind in pet ownership. In 2019, the share of UK households with at least one pet cat placed the country in the lower ranks. In contrast, Central European countries such as Romania, Latvia, and Hungary had the highest share of households with cats.