How Americans Commute to Work
Work & Transport
It's not really hard to guess by which means most American's commute to work. Of course it's the car. According to data published by the US Census Bureau, an estimated 85.4 percent of the 150 million workers drove to their workplace in an automobile, which comes down to 128 million people.
While this is a decrease in share by 1.4 percentage points, it's an increase by 8.5 million in plain numbers compared to 2006. This includes 13.6 million who carpooled. At the other end of the scale, the number and share of people who worked from home, didn't have to commute, increased by share and total number, by 1.1 percentage points to 7.6 million workers.
The overall workforce grew from 119 million in 2006 to 128 million in 2016.
While this is a decrease in share by 1.4 percentage points, it's an increase by 8.5 million in plain numbers compared to 2006. This includes 13.6 million who carpooled. At the other end of the scale, the number and share of people who worked from home, didn't have to commute, increased by share and total number, by 1.1 percentage points to 7.6 million workers.
The overall workforce grew from 119 million in 2006 to 128 million in 2016.