16.01.2020 Statista aims at 20 to 30% of annual growth with Hubert Jakob as new member of the Management Board

Hamburg, January 16, 2020 – Statista, known as the one-stop-shop for company and market data, aims to achieve 20 to 30% annual growth in the next years and welcomes Hubert Jakob as COO and Managing Director as of January 1. Together with founder and CEO, Dr. Friedrich Schwandt, Hubert Jakob will drive Statista’s expansion and growth in the coming years. Founded in 2007, Statista today employs over 700 people on four continents at ten office locations. 

Internationalization continues in line with business expansion – already 70% of Statista’s sales are generated outside of Germany. An additional 100 new positions will be created in 2020 in order to grow the platform’s product portfolio and expand its content footprint. Examples are the development of its Market Outlooks, the expansion of the Company Database with currently more than 43 thousand companies and the Global Consumer Survey, which provides the results of more than 700,000 interviews in 55 countries covering over 50 industries and 6,500 brands. Friedrich Schwandt said: “With our ambitious goals Hubert is the perfect fit for the role of COO and Member of the Management Board. We are very proud of our amazing and motivated team worldwide and have a solid base for growth. I am confident Statista will continue to empower people worldwide to take fact-based decisions​.”

Hubert Jakob founded three thriving businesses: He is a cofounder of Statista as well as the consultancy LSP Digital, and the online shop Pinkmilk. Hubert has a strong track record in a variety of leadership roles at Bertelsmann, Deutsche Bank and McKinsey. He graduated from the University of Mannheim in Management of Science and Statistics and studied at the European Management School in Strasbourg and the University of Massachusetts. 

Tim Kröger who held the position of Managing Director since 2008, will remain at as Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) to focus on the further development of the platform and products. 

Hubert Jakob


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Picture Hubert Jakob


About Statista

Founded in Germany in 2007, Statista has about 700 employees at ten office locations on four continents. Statista is a leading data and business intelligence portal which conducts international market and consumer studies as well as surveys. The business model "data as a service" is unique with no direct competitors in the market.