Total assets of Rabobank Group 2014-2023
In 2023, the asset size of Rabobank reached a total of approximately 613.8 billion euros. The value of assets held by the Netherlands-based bank decreased compared to earlier years. However, the financial institution's profitability followed the opposite trend, as Rabobank’s return on equity (ROE) reached a value of 9.1 percent in 2023.
Banking in the Netherlands among the most concentrated in Europe
In comparison to the banking sectors in other EU countries, the Dutch banking sector is relatively large and averages more than four times the size of Dutch GDP. An important characteristic of the banking sector in the Netherlands, however, is that a few institutions dominate the market. Assets from ING, Rabobank and ABN AMRO were much higher than other bank brands in the country.
Rabobank is one of the biggest mortgage providers in the Netherlands
ABN AMRO, Rabobank and ING ranked among the leading mortgage providers in the Netherlands: in 2023, together making up over 45 percent of the total mortgage revenue in the country. The Netherlands is one of the countries with the highest mortgage debt among private individuals. This has a political background as the Dutch tax system allowed homeowners for many years to deduct interest paid on mortgage from the pre-tax income for a maximum period of thirty years (known in the Netherlands as hypotheekrenteaftrek), essentially allowing for income support for homeowners. In 2023, the total mortgage debt in the Netherlands was 803 million euros.