Nils-Gerrit Wunsch
Research expert covering foods trends in North America, Europe, and the global food system
Get in touch with us nowThe displayed data on the share of non-meat eaters shows of the Statista Global Consumer Survey conducted in various European countries in 2023. Some 12 percent of participants in Germany responded to the question "Do you follow one or more of the following nutrition rules?" by selecting "Vegetarian (not eating meat and fish)", "Vegan (not eating any animal products)", or "Pescatarian (not eating meat, but eating fish)".
Meat production worldwide
Despite the popularity of meat-free diets, including popular trends such as the Veganuary campaign, the worldwide production of meat has slightly increased during recent years. The largest share of meat is produced in Asia. The most common type of meat produced worldwide is poultry.
Vegetarianism in Germany
In European countries, the share of vegetarians is particularly high among young adults in Germany, where approximately 11 percent stated in a survey that they consider themselves vegetarians. This trend is reflected in the market for meat substitutes in Germany, which has nearly doubled its value in 2020, as compared to the previous year. The market is forecast to continue this growth trend and by the end of 2024 the market size is expected to be around 744 million euros.
Organic food
Meat consumption
Meat substitutes
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