National Football League - average franchise value 2000-2024
In 2024, the average franchise value of teams in the National Football League (NFL) was just under 5.7 billion U.S. dollars.
Franchise values
The average franchise value of National Football League teams consistently increased over the years. From 2018 to 2024, the average value of a NFL franchise has more than doubled from 2.357 billion U.S. dollars to around 5.69 billion U.S. dollars. The NFL has always had the highest average franchise value amongst all sports leagues in the U.S. For instance, in 2023, Major League Baseball (MLB) teams were valued at just over 2.3 billion U.S. dollars, while the National Basketball Association (NBA) reached an average value of 3.56 billion U.S. dollars per franchise that same year.
The most valuable NFL franchises
The five-time Super Bowl champions Dallas Cowboys were the most valuable franchise in the NFL, with a franchise value of 10.1 billion U.S. dollars. The Los Angeles Rams ranked second in regard to franchise value. The New England Patriots, New York Giants, and the New York Jets completed the list of top five most valuable NFL franchises. The least valuable franchise in the NFL was the Cincinnati Bengals, with a value of just over four billion U.S. dollars.