Merkel Heading Towards Fourth Term
German Election
As Germany prepares to head to the polls on Sunday, we take a look at the most recent voting intention survey results. While the pollsters have had a tough time of it over the last couple of years, Chancellor Merkel still looks like a pretty safe bet to get a fourth term. With a 13 percent lead on biggest rival, Martin Schulz of the SDP party, the question occupying most Germans is who Merkel's CDU/CSU party will form a coalition with. A continuation of the current "grand coalition" of CDU and SPD would potentially make the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) the main opposition party in the Bundestag. The latest survey though, has AfD down a couple of points compared to other recent polls.
Statista will be providing live infographic-based coverage of the election on Sunday (in German).
Statista will be providing live infographic-based coverage of the election on Sunday (in German).